Let This Calming Mineral Soothe Away
Even the Worst Pain

If you’re living with pain, you know the search for relief is practically non-stop. You’ve popped all the dangerous and addictive pills. You’ve tried the creams and balms that leave you smelling like a candy cane all day.

Maybe you’ve even had some doctor tell you that you need to go under the knife for some risky surgery. But soothing and relaxing away the worst joint and muscle pain doesn’t have to be so difficult or expensive. Because scientists have now proven that…

The TRUE secret to pain relief is one of the simplest (and safest) minerals around! It’s magnesium, and it’s been used for ages to help improve heart health, calm stress and soothe jittery nerves. But scientists are now learning there’s a direct connection between magnesium and chronic pain.

You see, when you’re experiencing pain, your body starts pumping out excess levels of a neurotransmitter called N-Meth-yl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) that relays pain messages to your brain.

There are actually prescription pain medications that are sold to block the action of NMDA—but magnesium can have the same effects, but without the risks that come with these drugs.

That means real—and lasting—pain relief without drugs. In one study, 80 people with lower back pain were asked to take either a placebo or a magnesium supplement.

The patients who took magnesium decreased their pain nearly 40 percent—and, even better, they were still experiencing pain relief when researchers followed up with them
6 months later. It was like a dimmer switch, dialing down their pain!

Just imagine—what would that kind of pain relief mean for you and your quality of life? And magnesium doesn’t just work for muscle and joint pain. In fact, how does this sound…

42% fewer migraines in just weeks! In a landmark study published by the International Headache Society, 81 patients with migraines took either 600 mg. of magnesium or a placebo daily for 12 weeks.

These people were suffering an average of nearly 4 migraines a month…those painful, nauseating episodes that can leave you curled up in a dark room for hours on end.

But that’s before magnesium went to work. The patients who took magnesium experienced nearly 42 percent fewer migraines in just 12 weeks! That’s the kind of real (and safe) relief that migraine sufferers have been hunting for years!

Magnesium is simply one of the most powerful pain relievers around. In fact, magnesium is so effective at stopping pain that it’s even been used to help patients feel better faster after major surgery!

In one study, women who were undergoing hysterectomies were given doses of magnesium before their operations. These women experienced so much less pain after their operations that they were even able to cut back on the amount of morphine they used!

That’s right… less morphine (and pain) after MAJOR surgery, thanks to this miracle mineral! With results like these, you’d think our government and mainstream doctors everywhere would be recommending magnesium to all of their patients.

But the fact is, the billion-dollar drug companies would never let that happen. Pain medication is big business for the drug companies, and that business is booming. The pain drug market is now worth about $30 billion a year—and with America’s population aging, the sky is the limit.

Big Pharma—and their government lapdogs—have a vested interest in making sure you never know about natural pain relievers like magnesium.

Now the good news is that magnesium is a natural mineral, and you can get it from magnesium-rich foods like dark, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and even fish.

But if you think you’re getting enough magnesium in your diet, you may be in for a BIG surprise. That’s because lots of the processed foods we eat today are literally having the magnesium stolen right from them!

When vegetables and grains are processed today, they’re actually separated into components that remove much of the magnesium content. Some vegetables now have as much as 80 percent less magnesium than they did before the 1950s, and the processing of grains and pasta can remove 80-95 percent of total magnesium.

That’s right—as you get older and need magnesium MORE, you’re actually getting less and less of it from your food. It’s no wonder that research shows that around 80% of Americans aren’t getting enough magnesium in their diets!

We’re chronically deficient! The best way to make sure you’re getting the magnesium you need to control your pain is by supplementing. Look for magnesium citrate, which is absorbed best by your body. You can buy magnesium citrate supplements at www.pureformulas.com.

Another interesting fact about magnesium is that it can be absorbed through the skin. So taking Epsom salt baths is another easy way to boost your magnesium levels. That’s an old pain-relief trick that mom probably recommended to you decades ago—and now we know it works.